
Welcome to Sst Only! I provide study material for Class 9 and 10 Social Science and Humanities for Classes 11 and 12. Simplifying complex concepts, I cover history, geography, political science, economics, and more. Join me to make learning enjoyable and accessible!

Saturday, March 16, 2024



1. What characterizes a multi-polar world in the international system?
   A) Co-existence of multiple power centers
   B) Dominance of a single power center
   C) Absence of any power center
   D) Unilateral control by one country

2. Which countries are examples of power centers in a multi-polar world?
   A) USA, Russia, China, Japan
   B) USA, UK, Germany, France
   C) India, Brazil, South Africa, Australia
   D) Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Chile

3. In a multi-polar world, how do power centers interact?
   A) They compete for dominance
   B) They cooperate to maintain balance
   C) They isolate themselves from each other
   D) They ignore each other's existence

4. What role do power centers play in a multi-polar world?
   A) They shape international policies
   B) They have no influence on global affairs
   C) They follow the lead of a single dominant power
   D) They focus solely on domestic issues

5. Which one of the following statements about the Berlin Wall is false?
(i) It symbolized the division between the capitalist and the communist world.
(ii) It was built immediately after the Second World War.
(iii) It was broken by the people on 9 November 1989.
(iv) It marked the unification of the two parts of Germany.

6. What is the definition of bipolarity in the context of world order?
   A) A system with multiple dominant states
   B) A system with one dominant state
   C) A system with two dominant states
   D) A system with no dominant states

7. In a bipolar world order, where is the majority of global economic, military, and cultural influence held?
   A) Among several states
   B) Between two states
   C) Within a single state
   D) Across all states equally

8. What characterizes a bipolar system of world order?
   A) Balance of power among many states
   B) Imbalance of power between two states
   C) Equality of power among all states
   D) Dominance of one state over others

9. How many states are primarily involved in a bipolar world order?
   A) One
   B) Two
   C) Several
   D) All states

10. What principles did the Soviet system prioritize?
    A) Private ownership and market economy
    B) Equality and a planned economy
    C) Capital accumulation and competition
    D) State control and individual freedom

11. What is a dominant feature of the capitalist economy?
    A) State control of productive assets
    B) Collective ownership of land
    C) Private ownership of productive assets
    D) Equal distribution of wealth

12. How are land and productive assets controlled in the capitalist economy?
    A) By the state
    B) By individual capitalists
    C) By worker cooperatives
    D) By community ownership

13. What impact did Shock Therapy have on the economy and people of the region?
    A) It revitalized the economy and improved people's lives
    B) It had no significant impact
    C) It ruined the economy and affected people negatively
    D) It led to gradual economic improvement and stability

14. What happened to the large state-controlled industrial complex under Shock Therapy?
    A) It thrived and expanded
    B) It remained unchanged
    C) It collapsed as 90% of its industries were put up for sale
    D) It was nationalized by the government

15. What percentage of industries in the state-controlled industrial complex were put up for sale under Shock Therapy?
    A) 50%
    B) 70%
    C) 90%
    D) 100%

16. How would you describe the overall outcome of Shock Therapy on the region's economy?
    A) Positive and sustainable growth
    B) Immediate recovery followed by decline
    C) Long-term negative consequences
    D) Temporary setbacks followed by rapid growth

17. How did the US benefit from the Soviet Union's disintegration?
    A) By acquiring Soviet territories
    B) Through economic gains due to the USSR's economic crisis
    C) By establishing military dominance in Eastern Europe
    D) Through political alliances with former Soviet states

18. What did the Soviet Union primarily use its resources for?
    A) Economic development of its own country
    B) Maintaining a nuclear and military arsenal
    C) Humanitarian aid to other countries
    D) Cultural exchanges with Western nations

19. In addition to maintaining a nuclear and military arsenal, what else did the Soviet Union spend its resources on?
    A) Economic reforms
    B) Space exploration programs
    C) Development of satellite states in Eastern Europe
    D) Environmental conservation efforts

20. How did the Soviet Union's focus on its satellite states impact its own economy?
    A) It boosted the Soviet economy through increased trade
    B) It led to economic stagnation and contributed to its economic crisis
    C) It improved the living standards of Soviet citizens
    D) It reduced military spending in the Soviet Union

21. Which two republics of the USSR had violent secessionist movements at the time of its disintegration?
    A) Ukraine and Belarus
    B) Georgia and Armenia
    C) Chechnya and Dagestan
    D) Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

22. What characterized the secessionist movements in Chechnya and Dagestan?
    A) Peaceful protests
    B) Violent uprisings
    C) Diplomatic negotiations
    D) Cultural demonstrations

23. How did the violent secessionist movements in Chechnya and Dagestan impact the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) They accelerated the disintegration process
    B) They had no impact on the disintegration process
    C) They delayed the disintegration process
    D) They led to the reunification of the USSR

24. What was the outcome of the secessionist movements in Chechnya and Dagestan?
    A) Independence for both republics
    B) Autonomy within the Russian Federation
    C) Reintegration into the USSR
    D) Continued conflict and instability

25. What were the two features of the Soviet system?
    A) Private ownership and market economy
    B) State welfare and mass production
    C) Communist Party control and political dominance
    D) Economic freedom and individual rights

26. How was the Soviet system's approach to meeting the needs of the people?
    A) Through market competition
    B) Through state welfare and mass production
    C) Through individual entrepreneurship
    D) Through international aid

27. Who controlled the government and dominated political decision-making in the Soviet system?
    A) The military
    B) The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
    C) Foreign governments
    D) Private corporations

28. What role did the Communist Party play in the Soviet system?
    A) It had no influence on government decisions
    B) It controlled the government and dominated political decision-making
    C) It served as an advisory body
    D) It focused on economic development

29. What was the correlation between the dissolution of the USSR and the downfall of communism in the countries of the socialist bloc?
    A) The dissolution of the USSR led to the downfall of communism in the socialist bloc
    B) The downfall of communism in the socialist bloc led to the dissolution of the USSR
    C) There was no correlation between the two events
    D) The dissolution of the USSR and the downfall of communism in the socialist bloc happened simultaneously

30. What process did post-Soviet countries undergo after the dissolution of the USSR?
    A) Transition from capitalism to socialism
    B) Transition from socialism to capitalism
    C) Transition from democracy to authoritarianism
    D) Transition from authoritarianism to democracy

31. What was the model of transition from socialism to capitalism called?
    A) Shock Therapy
    B) Social Reconstruction
    C) Economic Revival
    D) Democratic Transformation

32. Which institutions facilitated the 'Shock Therapy' transition in post-Soviet countries?
    A) United Nations and World Trade Organization
    B) European Union and NATO
    C) World Bank and IMF
    D) G7 and G20

33. What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall when it was built in 1961?
    A) To separate East Berlin from West Berlin
    B) To connect East Berlin and West Berlin
    C) To serve as a tourist attraction
    D) To symbolize unity between East and West

34. How long did the Berlin Wall stand before it was finally broken by the people on 9 November 1989?
    A) 10 years
    B) 20 years
    C) 28 years
    D) 50 years

35. What did the Berlin Wall symbolize during the Cold War?
    A) Unity between East and West
    B) Division between capitalist and communist worlds
    C) Peaceful coexistence of ideologies
    D) Cooperation between superpowers

36. What event marked the symbol of unification of East and West Germany into a single country?
    A) The construction of the Berlin Wall
    B) The fall of the Berlin Wall
    C) The signing of a peace treaty
    D) The formation of the European Union

37. What internal weaknesses in Soviet political and economic institutions contributed to the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) Lack of natural resources
    B) Failure to meet people's aspirations and needs
    C) Strong military influence
    D) Overwhelming consumer demand

38. How did economic stagnation contribute to the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) By increasing consumer demand
    B) By reducing market failure
    C) By cutting short consumer demand
    D) By promoting economic growth

39. What is a key difference between the socialist and communist parties?
    A) Socialist parties aim for radical change, while communist parties aim for gradual change
    B) Socialist parties aim for restructuring of society, while communist parties aim for improvement and reform
    C) Socialist parties focus on fundamental change, while communist parties focus on improvement and reform
    D) Socialist parties focus on improvement and reform, while communist parties focus on radical change

40. Which party believes in gradual change, according to the provided information?
    A) Socialist Party
    B) Communist Party
    C) Neither party
    D) Both parties

41. What is the aim of the Communist Party, based on the provided information?
    A) To improve and reform society
    B) To aim for radical and fundamental change
    C) To aim for gradual change
    D) To aim for restructuring of an entire society

42. What type of change does the Socialist Party believe in?
    A) Radical and fundamental change
    B) Gradual change
    C) Restructuring of an entire society
    D) Improvement and reform in society

43. What were four consequences of 'Shock Therapy'?
    A) Improvement in the Soviet economy
    B) Collapse of state-controlled industrial units
    C) Increase in social welfare subsidies
    D) Narrowing of the economic divide

44. How did 'Shock Therapy' affect the Soviet economy?
    A) It improved the economy
    B) It brought ruin to the economy
    C) It had no significant impact on the economy
    D) It led to gradual economic improvement

45. What was the outcome of the high-scale privatization of government enterprises?
    A) Increased government control
    B) Improved economic efficiency
    C) Collapse of the state-controlled industrial units
    D) Decrease in economic growth

46. How did 'Shock Therapy' impact the value of the Russian currency, Ruble?
    A) It remained stable
    B) It declined dramatically with soaring inflation
    C) It increased in value
    D) It had no impact on the Ruble

47. What happened to the old system of social welfare under 'Shock Therapy'?
    A) It was expanded
    B) It remained unchanged
    C) It was pushed to ashes with the government withdrawing subsidies
    D) It was privatized

48. What effect did 'Shock Therapy' have on the economic divide?
    A) It narrowed the economic divide
    B) It widened the economic divide
    C) It had no impact on the economic divide
    D) It balanced the economic divide

49. What did the disintegration of the Soviet Union signify for the Cold War?
    A) It escalated the Cold War tensions
    B) It marked the end of the Cold War
    C) It had no impact on the Cold War
    D) It intensified the Cold War

50. How did the dissolution of the Soviet Union affect power relations in the world?
    A) It led to the dominance of several powers
    B) It had no impact on power relations
    C) It strengthened the position of the USSR
    D) It resulted in the dominance of the USA as the sole superpower

51. Which institutions became active players in the developmental needs of the second world countries?
    A) United Nations and NATO
    B) European Union and World Trade Organization
    C) World Bank and International Monetary Fund
    D) G7 and G20

52. What was a significant consequence of the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) The inauguration of the period of US hegemony
    B) The rise of socialism
    C) The dominance of the USSR
    D) The end of capitalism

53. How did the disintegration of the USSR impact the emergence of new countries?
    A) It had no impact on the emergence of new countries
    B) It led to the emergence of new countries with independent aspirations
    C) It resulted in the consolidation of existing countries
    D) It led to the dissolution of existing countries

54. What happened to the Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia after the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) They remained part of the USSR
    B) They became independent countries
    C) They joined the European Union and NATO
    D) They joined the Soviet Union

55. What was the significance of the disintegration of the Soviet Union for the end of the Cold War?
    A) It intensified Cold War confrontations
    B) It had no impact on the Cold War
    C) It marked the end of the Cold War
    D) It escalated the Cold War tensions

56. How did the disintegration of the Soviet Union impact power relations in the world?
    A) It led to the dominance of several powers
    B) It strengthened the position of the USSR
    C) It had no impact on power relations
    D) It resulted in the dominance of the USA as the sole superpower

57. What role did the Bretton Woods institutions play in the wake of developmental needs of second world countries?
    A) They provided military aid
    B) They became active players in developmental needs
    C) They focused on cultural exchange programs
    D) They increased diplomatic efforts

58. What was a significant consequence of the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) The rise of socialism
    B) The end of capitalism
    C) The inauguration of the period of US hegemony
    D) The dominance of the USSR

59. How did the disintegration of the USSR impact the emergence of new countries?
    A) It led to the dissolution of existing countries
    B) It had no impact on the emergence of new countries
    C) It resulted in the consolidation of existing countries
    D) It led to the emergence of new countries with independent aspirations

60. What happened to the Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia after the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) They remained part of the USSR
    B) They became independent countries
    C) They joined the European Union and NATO
    D) They joined the Soviet Union

61. What positive features characterized the Soviet system?
    A) Developed economy with complex communication network and vast resources
    B) Minimum standard of living ensured for all citizens
    C) Importance given to state ownership
    D) All of the above

62. How did the Soviet state ensure a minimum standard of living for all citizens?
    A) By providing subsidies for basic necessities
    B) By implementing democratic policies
    C) By promoting free market competition
    D) By privatizing state-owned assets

63. What was a negative feature of the Soviet system?
    A) Bureaucracy and authoritarianism
    B) Strong emphasis on democracy
    C) Freedom of speech
    D) Market economy

64. How did authoritarianism impact the Soviet system?
    A) It promoted democracy and freedom of speech
    B) It led to disorder in people's lives
    C) It improved the economy
    D) It strengthened social welfare programs

65. What was a consequence of economic stagnation in the Soviet economy?
    A) Market success in consumer goods
    B) Increased demand for goods and services
    C) Market failure due to supply exceeding demand
    D) Improved standard of living for all citizens

66. What economic burden did the Soviet system face?
    A) Development of democratic institutions
    B) Building and maintaining nuclear arsenals
    C) Investing in social welfare programs
    D) Developing satellite states in East Europe

67. What was the most important cause of the disintegration of the Soviet Union?
    A) Economic stagnation
    B) Rise of nationalism and desires for sovereignty
    C) Leadership crisis
    D) Gorbachev's policies

68. Who was placed at the helm of affairs of the government/state in the Soviet Union?
    A) Leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
    B) Military generals
    C) Business leaders
    D) Religious leaders

69. What were Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of Perestroika and Glasnost aimed at?
    A) Maintaining the status quo
    B) Strengthening the Soviet economy
    C) Opening up the Soviet system
    D) Implementing strict communism

70. How did Gorbachev's policies impact the anti-communist forces in Eastern Europe?
    A) They weakened the anti-communist forces
    B) They had no impact on the anti-communist forces
    C) They strengthened the anti-communist forces
    D) They eliminated the anti-communist forces

71. What role did economic stagnation play in the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) It led to severe consumer shortages
    B) It improved the standard of living
    C) It increased government spending on welfare programs
    D) It reduced corruption

72. What was a key characteristic of the administration and political system of the Soviet Union?
    A) Accountability to the people
    B) Openness in government
    C) Accountability to the Communist Party
    D) Absence of corruption

73. What was the most immediate cause of the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) Leadership crisis
    B) Economic stagnation
    C) Rise of nationalism and desires for sovereignty
    D) Stagnant administration

74. Who was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985?
    A) Vladimir Putin
    B) Joseph Stalin
    C) Mikhail Gorbachev
    D) Leonid Brezhnev

75. What reforms did Mikhail Gorbachev initiate in the Soviet Union?
    A) Economic and political reform policies of 'Perestroika' and 'Glasnost'
    B) Military expansion policies
    C) Restrictive censorship policies
    D) Strict communist policies

76. How did Gorbachev contribute to easing tensions with the West?
    A) By increasing military spending
    B) By withdrawing Soviet troops from Afghanistan and Eastern Europe
    C) By signing agreements to control nuclear weapons
    D) By imposing sanctions on Western countries

77. What was the effect of Gorbachev's reform policies on the common people?
    A) They became more patient
    B) They became impatient for faster reforms
    C) They supported communist hardliners
    D) They wanted to maintain the status quo

78. Why did bureaucrats and communist hardliners oppose Gorbachev's policies?
    A) They feared a reduction in their powers and luxuries
    B) They supported democratic reforms
    C) They wanted faster reforms
    D) They believed in the capitalist economy

79. What event led to Gorbachev's resignation in 1991?
    A) A coup by communist hardliners
    B) A coup by staunch supporters of restructuring
    C) A coup by the military
    D) A peaceful transition of power

80. What desire did Gorbachev's reform policy fuel within various republics?
    A) Desire for communism
    B) Desire for democracy
    C) Desire for nationalism and sovereignty
    D) Desire for socialism

81. What economic system did people prefer over the centralised economy?
    A) Capitalist economy
    B) Socialist economy
    C) Communist economy
    D) Mixed economy

82. How would the world have been affected if the Soviet Union had not disintegrated?
    A) The USA would not have become powerful
    B) The world would have headed towards a Third World War
    C) The disintegration of USSR led to the independence of many countries
    D) Accumulation of nuclear weapons would have continued endlessly

83. What impact did the disintegration of the USSR have on the USA's position in the UNO?
    A) It weakened the USA's position
    B) It had no impact on the USA's position
    C) It strengthened the USA's position
    D) It led to the withdrawal of the USA from the UNO

84. How did the disintegration of the USSR impact the independence of many countries?
    A) It hindered their independence
    B) It had no impact on their independence
    C) It facilitated their independence
    D) It delayed their independence

85. What effect did the disintegration of the USSR have on conflicts and Civil Wars in former Soviet Republics?
    A) It intensified conflicts and Civil Wars
    B) It had no impact on conflicts and Civil Wars
    C) It alleviated conflicts and Civil Wars
    D) It prevented conflicts and Civil Wars

86. What impact did the disintegration of the USSR have on the accumulation of nuclear weapons?
    A) It led to the reduction of nuclear weapons
    B) It had no impact on the accumulation of nuclear weapons
    C) It increased the accumulation of nuclear weapons
    D) It prevented the accumulation of nuclear weapons

87. Why did the USA's hegemony become established after the disintegration of the USSR?
    A) Due to the rise of other powerful countries
    B) Due to the absence of Soviet influence
    C) Due to the decrease in US military power
    D) Due to the increase in international cooperation

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