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Saturday, March 2, 2024



Planet Bio-Diversity:

Millions of living beings, 

  • From micro-organisms and bacteria
  • Lichens to banyan trees, 
  • Elephants and blue whales

Ecological Web:

Humans along with all living organisms form a complex web of ecological systems 

  • we are only a part and 
  • very much dependent on this system for our own existence

For example

The plants, animals and micro-organisms re-create: 

  • The quality of the air we breathe
  • The water we drink and 
  • The soil that produces our food without which we cannot survive. 

Forest (Ecological System)

  • Important role in the ecological system 
  • Primary producers on which all other living beings depend.

Biodiversity or Biological Diversity 

  • Rich in wildlife and cultivated species, 
  • Diverse in form and function but closely integrated in a system through multiple network of interdependencies.

Flora and Fauna in India

  • Some animals and plants which are unique in your area
  • India is the world's richest country in terms of biological diversity. 

Note: Many more yet to be discovered

Environment understress:

Diverse flora and fauna - integrated in our daily life 

  • People take them for granted
  • Environment comes under great stress (insensitivity)

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in India

Rapid decline in wildlife population and forestry

  • Required conservation

Why Conservation: 

  • Preserves ecological diversity and 
  • Our life support systems – water, air and soil. 
  • Preserves genetic diversity of plants and animals for better growth of species and breeding

For example

  • In agriculture - Still dependent on traditional crop varieties. 
  • Fisheries - Heavily dependent on the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity.

Conservation Efforts:

In the 1960s and 1970s 

  • Conservationists demanded a national wildlife protection programme. 

Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972:


Provisions for protecting habitats

All- India list of protected species was also published

Protection of certain endangered species by: 

  • Banning hunting
  • Giving legal protection to their habitats, and 
  • Restricting trade in wildlife

Efforts By Central and State Governments:

  • Established national parks and wildlife sanctuaries 

Projects: The central government announced several projects for: 

Protecting specific animals, 

Gravely threatened, 

  • Including the tiger, 
  • The one- horned rhinoceros, 
  • The Kashmir stag or hangul, 
  • Three types of crocodiles – freshwater crocodile, saltwater crocodile and the Gharial, 
  • The Asiatic lion, and others. 

Most recently, 

  • The Indian elephant, 
  • Black buck (chinkara), 
  • The great Indian bustard (godawan) and 
  • The snow leopard, etc. 

Note: Given full or partial legal protection against hunting and trade throughout India.

Project Tiger

Fauna Web:

Key wildlife species in the faunal web. 

Decline in Tiger Population:

In 1973, authorities realized - tiger population declined to 1,827 from an estimated 55,000 at the turn of the century

Threats to tiger population:

  • Poaching for trade, 
  • Shrinking habitat, 
  • Depletion of prey base species, 
  • Growing human population, etc. 
  • The trade of tiger skins and 
  • The use of their bones in traditional medicines, especially in Asian countries, left the tiger population on the verge of extinction

India and Nepal Habitat:

About two-thirds of the surviving tiger population in the world

These two nations became prime targets for poaching and illegal trading.

“Project Tiger” 1973:

Well- publicised wildlife campaigns in the world

Tiger conservation 

  • Effort to save an endangered species
  • Equal importance as a means of preserving biotypes of sizeable magnitude

Tiger reserves of India:

  • Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand, 
  • Sunderbans National Park in West Bengal, 
  • Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh, 
  • Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary in Rajasthan, 
  • Manas Tiger Reserve in Assam and 
  • Periyar Tiger Reserve in Kerala

Wildlife Act of 1980 and 1986:

  • several hundred butterflies, 
  • moths, beetles, and 
  • one dragonfly 

Have been added to the list of protected species

In 1991

For the first time plants were also added to the list

  • Starting with six species.

Types and Distribution of Forest and Wildlife Resources

Conservation is difficult to: 

  • Manage, 
  • Control and 
  • Regulate them. 

In India,

Mostly forest and wildlife resources: 

  • Owned or managed by the government through the Forest Department or 
  • Other government departments

These are classified under the following categories.

(i) Reserved Forests: 

  • More than half of the total forest land has been declared reserved forests. 
  • Most valuable for conservation of forest and wildlife resources 

(ii) Protected Forests: 

  • Almost one-third of the total forest area is protected forest (declared by the Forest Department)
  • This forest land are protected from any further depletion.

(iii) Unclassed Forests: 

Other forests and wastelands belong to both: 

  • Government and 
  • Private individuals and communities.

Reserved and protected forests 

Referred to as permanent forest estates maintained for: 

  • Producing timber and 
  • Other forest produce, and 
  • For protective reasons. 

Total forest area: 

Madhya Pradesh - largest area under permanent forests, 

  • constituting 75 per cent of its total forest area

Large percentage of reserved forests (total forest area):

  • Jammu and Kashmir, 
  • Andhra Pradesh, 
  • Uttarakhand, 
  • Kerala, 
  • Tamil Nadu, 
  • West Bengal, and Maharashtra 

Bulk area under protected forests:

  • Bihar, 
  • Haryana, 
  • Punjab, 
  • Himachal Pradesh, 
  • Odisha and 
  • Rajasthan 

Bulk area under unclassed forests (managed by local communities)

  • All North- eastern states and 
  • Parts of Gujarat 

Community and Conservation

Traditional communities home:

Forests are also home to some of the traditional communities. 

Conservation by Local communities:

In some areas 

  • local communities are struggling to conserve these habitats along with government officials
  • To secure their own long-term livelihood


  1. In Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan
  • Villagers have fought against mining by citing the Wildlife Protection Act

In many areas, villagers themselves are: 

  • Protecting habitats 
  • Rejecting government involvement


Bhairodev Dakav ‘Sonchuri’

The inhabitants of five villages in the Alwar district of Rajasthan declared: 

1,200 hectares of forest as the Bhairodev Dakav ‘Sonchuri’, 

Their own set of rules and regulations 

  • Banned hunting, and 
  • Protecting the wildlife against any outside encroachments.


Chipko movement

In the Himalayas this movement successfully resisted:

  • Protect deforestation 
  • Community afforestation with indigenous species

Other attempts for conservation:

Attempts to revive: 

  • Traditional conservation methods or 
  • Developing new methods of ecological farming are now widespread.


Beej Bachao Andolan:

Farmers and citizen’s groups like: 

The Beej Bachao Andolan in Tehri and Navdanya 

shown adequate levels of diversified crop production without: 

  • the use of synthetic chemicals are possible and 
  • economically viable.

India joint forest management (JFM)

Programme furnishes a good example for 

  • Involving local communities in the management and 
  • Restoration of degraded forests. 

Formal existence since 1988: 

  • when Odisha passed the first resolution for joint forest management. 

Mutual benefit:


Depends on the formation of local (village) institutions: 

  • Undertake protection on degraded forest land managed by the forest department. 


Entitled to intermediary benefits like: 

  • Non-timber forest produces and 
  • share in the timber harvested by ‘successful protection’.

Natural resource management

The clear lesson from the dynamics of both 

  • Environmental destruction and 
  • Reconstruction in India 

local communities everywhere have to be involved in some kind of natural resource management


Still a long way to go

  • Before local communities are at the centre-stage in decision-making

Accept only those economic or developmental activities, that are: 

  • People centric, 
  • Environment-friendly and 
  • Economically rewarding.

Sacred groves

Ecological Wealth:

A wealth of diverse and rare species

Nature worship: 

An age old tribal belief that all creations of nature have to be protected

Preserve Forests:

Several virgin forests in pristine form called Sacred Groves (the forests of God and Goddesses). 

  • These patches of forest or parts of large forests left untouched by the local people and 
  • Any interference is banned.

Revere a Particular Tree:

Societies revere a particular tree from time immemorial. 


The Mundas and the Santhal of Chota Nagpur region worship: 

  • mahua (Bassia latifolia) and 
  • kadamba (Anthocaphalus cadamba) trees, 

The tribals of Odisha and Bihar worship 

  • Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and 
  • Mango (Mangifera indica) trees during weddings. 


To many of us, 

  • Peepal and banyan trees are considered sacred.

Cultural and Conservation:

  • Indian society comprises several cultures
  • Each with its own set of traditional methods of conserving nature and its creations

Sacred qualities ascribed to: 

  • Springs, 
  • Mountain peaks, 
  • Plants and animals 

Are closely protected

Conservation about Temples:

Troops of macaques and langurs around temples. 

They were fed daily and 

Treated as a part of temple devotees. 


In and around Bishnoi villages in Rajasthan, herds of:

  • blackbuck, (chinkara), 
  • nilgai and 
  • peacocks 

Seen as an integral part of the community and nobody harms them.

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