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Explore comprehensive NCERT solutions for Class 9 French Revolution. Simplified explanations, chapter-wise solutions, and helpful resources to ace your exams. Understand the causes, events, and consequences of this pivotal historical event with ease. Accessible, reliable, and perfect for Class 9 students.

1. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.

Ans: Causes of the French Revolution

i) Unjust Taxation:

   - First and Second Estates exempt from taxes.

   - Third Estate bears all tax burden.

ii) Social Disparity:

   - 17th-century French society divided into three Estates:

     - First Estate: Clergy

     - Second Estate: Nobility

     - Third Estate: Commoners

   - Upper classes, though small in number, controlled political and economic systems, enjoying rights and privileges. Third Estate lacked political rights.

iii) Rise of the Middle Class:

   - Industrial revolution led to Middle Class emergence.

   - Included businessmen, traders, bankers, scholars.

   - The Middle Class became revolution leaders.

iv) Influence of Philosophers and Writers:

   - Philosophers like Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Mirabeau criticized existing system.

   - Promoted ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity.

v) Wide Gap between Rich and Poor:

   - Food grain production failed to meet demand, raising prices.

   - Angered masses due to economic disparities.

2. Which groups of French society benefited from the revolution? Which groups were forced to relinquish power? Which sections of society would have been disappointed with the outcome of the revolution?

Ans: Impact of the French Revolution on Different Groups

Groups Benefiting from the Revolution:

- People of the Third Estate, including peasants, workers, petty officers, lawyers, teachers, doctors, traders, etc., benefited most.

- Previously burdened with all taxes and humiliated by clergy and nobles, they were treated equally after the Revolution.

- Gained political rights previously denied.

Groups Relinquishing Power:

- Upper classes—First Estate (clergy) and Second Estate (nobles)—were forced to relinquish power.

- Lost their privileges as the revolution abolished special rights.

- French society reorganized based on social equality.

- Church property nationalized.

Sections Disappointed with the Outcome:

- Formerly privileged classes, clergy, and nobles, naturally disappointed.

- Revolution stripped them of privileges, leading to their disappointment.

3. Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Ans:  Impact of French Revolution on Political Ideals

i) Origin of Liberty and Democratic Rights: French Revolution birthed ideas of liberty and democratic rights.

ii) Spread of Ideas Across Europe: Ideas spread from France to other European nations in the 19th century.

iii) Inspiration for Political Movements: Concepts of Freedom and Equality before the law inspired political movements globally.

iv) Influence on Constitutions:

   - The Constitution of 1791, starting with Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens, became a model for other nations.

   - Bench mark for various national constitutions.

v) Power-Sharing Principle:

   - The Constitution of 1791 advocated power-sharing among government organs.

   - Widely accepted globally.

4. Draw up a list of democratic rights we enjoy today whose origins could be traced to the French Revolution.

Ans: French Revolution's Influence on India's Fundamental Rights

Origins of Principles: French Revolution, directly or indirectly, inspired by principles of liberty, equality, fraternity.

Influence on Indian Constitution: Indian Constitution grants citizens six Fundamental Rights, aligning with French Revolution principles.

Fundamental Rights in India:

i) Right to Equality

ii) Right to Freedom

iii) Cultural and Educational Rights

iv) Right to Religious Freedom

v) Right against Exploitation

vi) Right to Constitutional Remedies

Enjoyment of Rights in India: Citizens in India enjoy these Fundamental Rights, reflecting principles of the French Revolution.

5. Would you agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with contradictions? Explain.

Ans: Napoleon's Reforms and Actions

i) Modernization Efforts: Aimed to modernize France by establishing new industries.

ii) Promotion of Trade: Promoted trade through infrastructure development like roads and canals.

iii) Introduction of Laws:

   - Introduced laws protecting private property.

   - Implemented a uniform system of weights and measures using a decimal system.

iv) Military Conquests: Conquered neighboring European countries, displacing dynasties and creating kingdoms.

v) Relations with the Church: Established friendly relations with the Pope.

vi) Constitutional Changes: Implemented a new constitution, creating four legislative bodies and three executive bodies.

Q.6. Analyse the rise of Napoleon.


How would you explain the rise of Napoleon? [CBSE Sept. 2013]

Ans: Napoleon's Rise to Power

i) Political & Economic Instability: The French Revolution caused political and economic instability, leading to power struggles.

ii) Constitutional Changes:

   - After Jacobin government's fall, new constitution introduced.

   - Provided for two elected legislative councils and a Directory.

   - Directors clashed with legislative councils, causing instability.

   - Napoleon used this instability to become dictator with army's help.

iii) Napoleon as Emperor:

   - Declared himself Emperor of France in 1804.

   - Successfully conquered neighboring countries except Britain and Russia.

   - Defeated by a coalition of Britain, Prussia, Austria, and Russia at Leipzig and Waterloo in 1815.

   - Captured, sent to the Island of St. Helena, where he died in 1821.

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