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Get comprehensive NCERT solutions for Class 9 Social Science, "People as Resources" chapter, on our website. Our detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions make learning easy and engaging. Ace your exams with our user-friendly platform designed to help you understand concepts effectively.

1. What do you understand by 'people as a resource'?


"People are the greatest resource that a country has". Explain.

(CBSE Sept. 2010, 12]


Why is the human resource important for development ? Explain.

(CBSE Sept. 2011]


1. Definition of Human Resource:

   - Refers to a country's working population and their skills.

   - Includes land, capital, and natural resources, but human resource is crucial as it converts other resources into useful forms.

2. Role in Economic Growth:

   - Countries like China and Japan have seen rapid growth due to their human capital development.

   - Human capital refers to the skills and knowledge of individuals.

3. Productivity and Training:

   - Skilled and trained individuals are more productive.

   - Training enhances human capital, leading to greater economic output.

2. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital?


Human Resources

Land and physical capital resources

1. Human resources are an active factors of production.

2. It is a primary factor of production as it can make use of land and capital.

1. Land and physical capital are 

passive factors of production.

2. These are secondary factors of production as they cannot become useful on their own.

3. What is the role of education in human capital formation?


Explain three points of the importance of education as an input for growth of an individual as well as the society.

(CBSE Sept. 2011, 2013]


What role does education play towards growth of society ?

(CBSE Sept. 2010, 12]


Role in Development:

   - Education is key for economic and social progress.

   - It broadens people's perspectives and shapes their personalities.

Advancement in Science and Technology: Education drives the development of science and technology.

Economic Participation: Educated individuals are more likely to participate in the country's affairs, promoting economic growth.

Worker Efficiency: Education enhances worker efficiency, benefiting the economy.

Enhanced National Income and Cultural Enrichment:

   - Education boosts national income and enriches culture.

   - It also improves governance efficiency.

4. What is the role of health in human capital formation?


Comprehensive Definition of Health: Health encompasses physical, mental, economic, and social well-being, not just survival.

Impact on Worker Efficiency: Good health improves a worker's efficiency and productivity.

Enhanced Learning Capacity: Good health boosts a worker's ability to learn.

5. What part does health play in the individual's working life?


Enhanced Worker Efficiency: Good health improves a worker's efficiency.

Improved Learning Capacity: Good health enhances a worker's ability to learn.

Value to Firm and Country: A healthy worker is an asset to both the firm and the country.

6. What are the various activities undertaken in the primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector?


Primary Activities:

   - Directly associated with land and water, like animal husbandry, forestry, and mining.

   - Most common in developing and underdeveloped countries.


Secondary Activities:

   - Involves manufacturing processes using primary goods.

   - Examples include making bread from wheat or a car from steel.


Tertiary Activities:

   - Provide services to primary and secondary sectors, enhancing worker efficiency.

   - Examples include education, health, transport, and banking.

7. What is the difference between economic activities and non-economic activities?


Economic activities

Non-economic activities

Contribution to Economy: Economic activities ensure the flow of goods and services.

Indicator of Progress: Increased productive activities signify economic progress.

Income Growth: Economic activities boost personal and national income.

No Contribution to Economy: Non-economic activities do not contribute to the flow of goods and services.

Not an Indicator of Progress: Growth in non-economic activities does not indicate economic progress.

No Income Increase: Non-economic activities do not increase personal or national income.

8. Why are women employed in low paid work?


Lack of Training and Skills: Many women workers are paid low wages due to a lack of basic training and skills.

Reluctance to Work Outside Home: Most women are not willing to work outside their domestic roles.

Limited Legal Protection: Legal protections for women in the workforce are inadequate.

Low Literacy Levels: Women's literacy rates are generally low, impacting their employability.

9. How will you explain the term unemployment?


Unemployment is a situation in which a person is willing and able to work at the prevailing wages, but does not find any gainful work.

(1) Disguised unemployment 

(ii) Seasonal unemployment 

(iii) Structural unemployment 

(iv) Technical unemployment

10. What is the difference between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment?


Disguised unemployment

Seasonal unemployment

1. It is a type of unemployment under which people appear to be employed, but actually they are not.

2. It is mostly found in agriculture.

3. It is mainly found in rural areas.

1. It is a type of unemployment under which workers are employed only for a particular season.

2. It is mostly found in agro based industries.

3. It is found both in rural as well as urban


11. Why is educated unemployed, a peculiar problem of India?


Urban Unemployment: Predominantly an issue in urban areas.

Underemployment of Educated Youth: Many educated youth struggle to find suitable employment.

Rising Unemployment Among Graduates: Unemployment rates are increasing faster among graduates and postgraduates compared to matriculates.

Manpower Imbalance: There is a paradoxical situation with surplus manpower in some fields and shortages in others.

Skills Mismatch and Slow Sectoral Growth:

   - There's unemployment among technically qualified individuals despite a shortage of technical skills needed for economic growth.

   - Industrial and service sectors are growing slowly and failing to provide jobs for educated unemployed.

12. In which field do you think India can build the maximum employment opportunity?


Primary Sector:

   - More than 60% of the population works in this sector, facing disguised unemployment.

   - No further employment opportunities due to existing saturation.

Secondary Sector:

   - Absorbs only 10% of the workforce.

   - New manufacturing units offer potential for employment growth.

Tertiary Sector:

   - Provides services and can absorb some of the workforce.

   - Growing demand in sectors like biotechnology and information technology.

13. Can you suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated unemployed?


Linking Education with Skill Development: Education should focus on developing practical skills relevant to the economy.

Tailored Training Programs: Training programs should be designed according to the available resources in the economy.

Correlating Education with Agriculture: To address educated unemployment in rural areas, there should be a link between education and agriculture.

14. Can you imagine some village which initially had no job opportunities but later came up with many?

Ans: Self Explanatory

15. Which capital would you consider the best - land, labour, physical capital and human capital? Why?


Human Capital Superiority: Human resources can utilize land and capital, unlike land and capital which cannot become useful on their own.

Factors Affecting Population Quality:

   - Skill Formation: Increases worker productivity.

   - Health: Healthy workers are assets to companies and society.

   - Literacy Rate: Education broadens citizens' mental horizons.

Enhanced Productivity and Growth: These factors enhance productive skills, leading to higher Gross National Product, incomes, and growth rates.

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