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Saturday, March 30, 2024



"Discover comprehensive NCERT solutions for Class 9 Social Science, focusing on the physical features of India. Explore simplified explanations, key concepts, and engaging content to deepen your understanding of geography. Ideal for students seeking clear explanations and educators looking for effective teaching resources."

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) A landmass bounded by sea on three sides is referred to as

(a) Coast (b) Island (c) Peninsula (d) None of the above

Ans: (c) Peninsula

(ii) Mountain ranges in the eastern part of India forming its boundary with

Myanmar are collectively called

(a) Himachal (b) Uttarakhand (c) Purvachal (d) None of the above

Ans:  (c) Purvanchal

(iii) The western coastal strip, south of Goa is referred to as

(a) Coromandel (b) Konkan (c) Kannad (d) Northern Circar

Ans: (b) Konkan

(iv) The highest peak in the Eastern Ghats is

(a) Anai Mudi (b) Kanchenjunga (c) Mahendragiri (d) Khasi

Ans: (c) Mahendragiri

Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) What is the bhabar?

Ans: The zone of soil which spreads along the Shiwalik foothills. The soil in the region is coarse with lots of pebbles.

(ii) Name the three major divisions of the Himalayas from north to south.


(a) The Himadri 

(b) The Himachal

(c) The Shiwalik

(iii) Which plateau lies between the Aravali and the Vindhyan ranges? 

Ans: The Malwa Plateau.

(iv) Name the island group of India having coral origin.

Ans: The Lakshadweep Islands.

Q.3: Distinguish between

(i) Bhangar and Khadar

(ii) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats

Ans: (i)



(i) It is a new alluvium. 

(ii) It does not contain the kankar nodules.

(iii) It is very fertile. 

(iv) It is found in the lower levels in the plains.

(i) It is an old alluvium. 

(ii) It contains the kankar nodules with calcium carbonates.

(iii) It is less fertile.

(iv) It is found in the upper course of the river.


Western Ghats

Eastern Ghats

(i) They are located on the west coast of India.

(ii) They are less wide.

(iii) They are unbroken.

(iv) The highest peak is the Anaimudi.

(v) They are the source of rivers like

Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri.

(i) They are located on the east coast of India.

(ii) They are much wide.

(iii) They are broken by small and fast flowing rivers.

(iv) The highest peak is the Mahendragiri.

(v) No major rivers originate from the Eastern Ghats.

Q: 4 Which are the major physiographic divisions of India? Contrast the relief of the Himalayan region with that of the Peninsular plateau.


(i) The Great Mountains of the North. 

(ii) The North Indian Plain. 

(iii) The Peninsular Plateau. 

(iv) The Coastal Plains.

(v) The Islands.

Q.5: Give an account of the Northern Plains of India. 


Formation of the Northern Plain: Created by the convergence of the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra rivers and their tributaries.

Area and Population: Covers an area of 7 lakh sq. km, about 2400 km long and 240 to 320 km wide.Densely populated due to its fertile soil, adequate water, and favorable climate.

Economic Importance: Highly productive agriculturally, thanks to rich soil, water supply, and climate.

Division of the Plain: 

  • Broadly divided into three sections: Punjab plains, Ganga plains, and Brahmaputra plains.
  • Further divided based on relief differences into Bhabar, Tarai, Bhangar, and Khadar.

Q.6:  Write short notes on the following.

(i) The Indian Desert

(ii) The Central Highlands

(iii) The Island groups of India


Thar Desert:

  • Located west of the Aravalli Range, mainly in Rajasthan, extending into Sind, Pakistan.
  • Characterized by sandy terrain and dry conditions, with the Luni River being the only significant river.

Central Highlands:

  • Wider in the west, narrower in the east.
  • Drained by rivers like Chambal, Sind, Betwa, and Ken, with hills including the Vindhya Range and Aravalli hills.

Lakshadweep Islands:

  • Situated near Kerala’s Malabar coast in the Arabian Sea.
  • Comprising small coral islands, smaller in size compared to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands:

  • Located in the Bay of Bengal, bigger and more numerous than Lakshadweep.
  • These islands are elevated portions of submarine mountains.

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