Through The Eyes Of Travellers 12 Multiple Choice Questions - SST ONLY


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Monday, March 18, 2024

Through The Eyes Of Travellers 12 Multiple Choice Questions


Through The Eyes Of Travellers 12 Multiple Choice Questions 

Most important multiple choice questions from the chapter Through The Eyes Of Travellers Class 12.

1. What was a major problem faced by travelers in ancient times?

   A) Long time

   B) Lack of facilities

   C) Fear of pirates

   D) Natural disaster

2. What was a common fear among travelers in ancient times?

   A) Diseases

   B) Fear of getting lost

   C) Lack of food

   D) Wild animals

3. What was a common reason for traveling in ancient times?

   A) Interest

   B) Business

   C) Preaching

   D) Seeking knowledge

4. What motivated people to travel in ancient times?

   A) Natural calamity

   B) Looking for new opportunities

   C) Boredom

   D) Lack of food

Here are the multiple-choice questions with answers for the given list of travelers:

5. Which traveler came from Venice in the 13th century and provided insights into the social and economic conditions of South India?

   A) Marcopolo

   B) Nikitin

   C) Sayid Ali Reis

   D) Father Masaret

6. Who was a Russian traveler that visited India in the 15th century?

   A) Marcopolo

   B) Nikitin

   C) Sayid Ali Reis

   D) Father Masaret

7. Which traveler from Turkey visited India in the 16th century?

   A) Marcopolo

   B) Nikitin

   C) Sayid Ali Reis

   D) Father Masaret

8. Who from Spain went to Akbar's court?

   A) Marcopolo

   B) Nikitin

   C) Sayid Ali Reis

   D) Father Masaret

9. Which traveler from England visited India in the 17th century?

   A) Peter Mundy

   B) Abdur Razzaq

   C) Sheikh Ali Hajin

   D) Mahmud Wali Valkhi

10. Abdur Razzaq Samarkandi traveled to South India in which decade?

    A) 13th century

    B) 15th century

    C) 16th century

    D) 17th century

11. Who described India as a strange country after seeing Calicut port and praised a temple built in Mangalore?

    A) Abdur Razzaq

    B) Sheikh Ali Hajin

    C) Mahmud Wali Valkhi

    D) Duarte Barbosa

12. Which traveler was very disappointed with India and called it a disgusting country?

    A) Abdur Razzaq

    B) Sheikh Ali Hajin

    C) Mahmud Wali Valkhi

    D) Duarte Barbosa

13. Who became a monk for some time after being impressed with India?

    A) Abdur Razzaq

    B) Sheikh Ali Hajin

    C) Mahmud Wali Valkhi

    D) Duarte Barbosa

14. Which traveler from Portugal visited South India in 1518 AD?

    A) Duarte Barbosa

    B) Waptist Tavenier

    C) Peter Mundy

    D) Father Masaret

15. Waptist Tavenier, a French jeweler of the 17th century, visited India how many times?

    A) Once

    B) Twice

    C) Three times

    D) Six times

16. In which year was Al-Biruni born?

    A) 873 AD

    B) 973 AD

    C) 1073 AD

    D) 1173 AD

17. Where was Al-Biruni born?

    A) Syria

    B) Persia

    C) Khwarism (modern Uzbekistan)

    D) Greece

18. What was Khwarism known for during Al-Biruni's time?

    A) Trade

    B) Agriculture

    C) Education

    D) Military

19. Which languages was Al-Biruni proficient in?

    A) Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Sanskrit

    B) Syrian, Persian, Hebrew, Sanskrit

    C) Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit

    D) Syrian, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit

20. Despite not knowing Greek, how did Al-Biruni access Greek philosophical works?

    A) Through his knowledge of Arabic

    B) Through his travels to Greece

    C) Through his study of Hebrew

    D) Through Arabic translations

21. How did Al-Biruni come to the Ghaznavi Empire?

    A) As a conqueror

    B) As a scholar

    C) As a hostage

    D) As a diplomat

22. What event led to Al-Biruni coming to the Ghaznavi Empire?

    A) Invasion of Khwarism

    B) Invasion of India

    C) Mongol invasion

    D) Civil war in Uzbekistan

23. Where did Al-Biruni spend the rest of his life?

    A) Uzbekistan

    B) India

    C) Ghazni

    D) Persia

24. At what age did Al-Biruni pass away?

    A) 50

    B) 60

    C) 70

    D) 80

25. What sparked Al-Biruni's interest in India?

    A) Its rich culture

    B) Its advanced mathematics

    C) Its diverse languages

    D) His stay in Ghazni

26. What language did Al-Biruni use to translate Patanjali's grammar book?

    A) Arabic

    B) Sanskrit

    C) Persian

    D) Greek

27. Where did Al-Biruni travel to in India?

    A) Punjab and southern India

    B) Punjab and many parts of northern India

    C) Gujarat and Rajasthan

    D) Bengal and Bihar

28. What knowledge did Al-Biruni acquire during his travels in India?

    A) Knowledge of Arabic

    B) Knowledge of Persian

    C) Knowledge of Sanskrit, religion, and philosophy

    D) Knowledge of mathematics

29. What had become a recognized part of Arabic literature at the time of Al-Biruni's writing?

    A) Poetry

    B) Travelogues

    C) Scientific treatises

    D) Religious texts

30. Which regions did the travelogues in Arabic literature pertain to?

    A) Sahara Desert and Arabian Peninsula

    B) Volga River and the Caspian Sea

    C) Sahara Desert and the Volga River

    D) Arabian Peninsula and the Caspian Sea

31. In which language did Al-Biruni write his book "Kitab al-Hind"?

    A) Sanskrit

    B) Persian

    C) Arabic

    D) Urdu

32. How is the language of "Kitab al-Hind" described?

    A) Complex and convoluted

    B) Simple and clear

    C) Poetic and lyrical

    D) Technical and precise

33. How many chapters is "Kitab al-Hind" divided into?

    A) 50

    B) 80

    C) 100

    D) 120

34. What are the subjects covered in "Kitab al-Hind"?

    A) Mathematics and astronomy

    B) Religion and philosophy

    C) Medicine and agriculture

    D) Art and literature

35. What is believed to be the main reason for the clarity of the geometric structure in "Kitab al-Hind"?

    A) Inclination towards literature

    B) Inclination towards history

    C) Inclination towards mathematics

    D) Inclination towards philosophy

36. According to Al-Biruni, which of the following was a hindrance to understanding India?

    A) Similarity between Sanskrit and Arabic

    B) Religious and customary similarities

    C) Difficulty in translating Sanskrit

    D) Lack of pride

37. Despite the obstacles, what did Al-Biruni depend on to understand Indian society?

    A) Works composed by Sufi mystics

    B) Works composed by Buddhist monks

    C) Works composed by Brahmins

    D) Works composed by Jain scholars

38. Why did Al-Biruni find it difficult to learn Sanskrit?

    A) Due to its similarity to Arabic

    B) Due to its limited vocabulary

    C) Due to its wide reach in words and variety

    D) Due to its lack of complexity

39. In which language did Al-Biruni write his texts?

    A) Sanskrit

    B) Persian

    C) Arabic

    D) Urdu

40. How would you describe Al-Biruni's approach to the writing style of his texts?

    A) Devotional

    B) Critical

    C) Poetic

    D) Humorous

41. What topics did Al-Biruni's texts cover?

    A) Only fables

    B) Only astronomy

    C) Only medical works

    D) A range of topics from fables to astronomy and medical works

42. What was the structure of each chapter in Al-Biruni's texts?

    A) Description, comparison, conclusion

    B) Question, description, comparison

    C) Comparison, question, description

    D) Description, conclusion, question

43. How many social varnas did Al-Biruni describe in India?

    A) Two

    B) Three

    C) Four

    D) Five

44. Which of the following is NOT one of the social varnas described by Al-Biruni?

    A) Horsemen and ruling class

    B) Monks, priests, and physicians

    C) Astronomers and other scientists

    D) Warriors and soldiers

45. What did Al-Biruni state about the concept of impurity in the caste system?

    A) It is natural and in accordance with the laws of nature

    B) It is against the laws of nature

    C) It is a social construct with no basis in reality

    D) It is only applicable to certain professions

46. According to Al-Biruni, how did Vaishyas and Shudras live together?

    A) They lived in separate cities

    B) They lived in separate villages

    C) They lived together in the same city and village

    D) They lived in separate houses and dwellings

47. What influenced Al-Biruni's description of the caste system?

    A) Greek texts

    B) Persian texts

    C) Sanskrit texts

    D) Arabic texts

48. What was the name of Ibn Battuta's travelogue?

    A) Rih La

    B) The Adventures of Ibn Battuta

    C) Journey to the East

    D) Travels in the Fourteenth Century

49. Where was Ibn Battuta born?

    A) Damascus

    B) Baghdad

    C) Tezier (Morocco)

    D) Istanbul

50. What was Ibn Battuta famous for?

    A) His expertise in Islamic law

    B) His skills in architecture

    C) His knowledge of medicine

    D) His prowess in military strategy

51. What did Ibn Battuta consider as a more important source of knowledge than books?

    A) Religious scriptures

    B) Oral traditions

    C) Travel experiences

    D) Philosophical teachings

52. What was Ibn Battuta's attitude towards travel compared to other members of his class?

    A) He considered it a burden

    B) He considered it a waste of time

    C) He considered it a source of knowledge

    D) He considered it a luxury

53. In which year did Ibn Battuta embark on his journey to India alone?

    A) 1300 AD

    B) 1332 AD

    C) 1350 AD

    D) 1375 AD

54. Which of the following places did Ibn Battuta visit before going to India?

    A) Mecca, Syria, Persia

    B) Egypt, Greece, Rome

    C) China, Japan, Korea

    D) Russia, Mongolia, Tibet

55. What position was Ibn Battuta appointed to by Muhammad bin Tughlaq in Delhi?

    A) Commander of the Army

    B) Prime Minister

    C) Qazi (Judge)

    D) Ambassador to China

56. Where did Ibn Battuta travel to as an emissary of Muhammad bin Tughlaq?

    A) China

    B) Maldives

    C) Sri Lanka

    D) Bengal

57. What challenges did Ibn Battuta face during his travels?

    A) Language barriers

    B) Attacks by bandits

    C) Lack of food and water

    D) Inclement weather

58. Who was appointed to write the memoirs of Ibn Battuta?

    A) Ibn Sina

    B) Ibn Khaldun

    C) Ibn Jubayr

    D) Ibn Juzayy

59. How did Ibn Battuta describe the coconut tree?

    A) Useful for making ropes and sewing ships

    B) Strange and astonishing in nature

    C) Only grown for its leaves

    D) Familiar and common

60. What did Ibn Battuta say about the betel vine?

    A) It produces a lot of fruit

    B) It is grown for its leaves only

    C) It is used for making ropes

    D) It is a rare plant

61. According to Ibn Battuta, which city was the largest in India?

    A) Daulatabad

    B) Delhi

    C) Badaun

    D) Mandvi

62. How many gates did Delhi have according to Ibn Battuta?

    A) 15

    B) 20

    C) 28

    D) 35

63. What was the largest gate in Delhi according to Ibn Battuta?

    A) Badaun Darwaza

    B) Mandvi Gate

    C) Delhi Gate

    D) City Gate

64. What was grown in the graveyard of Delhi according to Ibn Battuta?

    A) Coconut trees

    B) Jasmine and rose flowers

    C) Betel vine

    D) Rice and wheat

65. What was the horse-post known as?

    A) Uluq

    B) Dawa

    C) Khurasan

    D) Uluq and dawa

66. How far apart were the royal horses stationed in the horse-post system?

    A) Every mile

    B) Every two miles

    C) Every three miles

    D) Every four miles

67. What was the foot-post known as?

    A) Uluq

    B) Dawa

    C) Khurasan

    D) Uluq and dawa

68. How many stations were there per mile in the foot-post system?

    A) One

    B) Two

    C) Three

    D) Four

69. What did the men at the pavilions carry?

    A) Letters

    B) Rods with copper bells

    C) Horses

    D) Swords

70. How did the foot-post courier signal his approach to the men at the pavilions?

    A) By shouting

    B) By ringing a bell

    C) By blowing a horn

    D) By waving a flag

71. What was the foot-post used to transport?

    A) Royal decrees

    B) Fruits of Khurasan

    C) Merchandise

    D) Horses

72. Where was François Bernier from?

    A) England

    B) France

    C) Spain

    D) Italy

73. What was François Bernier's profession?

    A) Physician

    B) Politician

    C) Philosopher

    D) All of the above

74. How long did François Bernier live in the Mughal court?

    A) 5 years

    B) 8 years

    C) 12 years

    D) 15 years

75. Who was François Bernier a physician to in the Mughal court?

    A) Shah Jahan

    B) Aurangzeb

    C) Darashikoh

    D) Danish Khan

76. What is the title of François Bernier's book about his travels in the Mughal Empire?

    A) Journeys in Mughal Empire

    B) Adventures in Mughal Empire

    C) Travels in Mughal Empire

    D) Voyages in Mughal Empire

77. Who did François Bernier dedicate his major work to?

    A) Louis the 13th

    B) Louis the 14th

    C) Louis the 15th

    D) Louis the 16th

78. How did Bernier perceive India's position in his illustrations compared to Europe?

    A) Equal

    B) Superior

    C) Inferior

    D) Unrelated

79. In which year were Bernier's works published in France?

    A) 1650 AD

    B) 1660 AD

    C) 1670 AD

    D) 1680 AD

80. How long did it take for Bernier's works to be translated into English, Dutch, Japanese, and Italian?

    A) 1 year

    B) 3 years

    C) 5 years

    D) 10 years

81. Where did Bernier travel with the Mughal army?

    A) Punjab

    B) Kashmir

    C) Rajasthan

    D) Bengal

82. According to Bernier, who was the owner of all the land in India?

    A) The Mughal emperor

    B) The rich landholders

    C) The farmers

    D) The British

83. How did the Mughal emperor distribute the land?

    A) Equally among all citizens

    B) Among his family members

    C) Among his advisors

    D) Among the rich landholders

84. Why did Bernier think state ownership of land was harmful to the economy?

    A) It led to unequal distribution of wealth

    B) It discouraged landholders from improving and investing in the land

    C) It increased taxes on farmers

    D) It caused inflation

85. What was one consequence of landholders not being able to pass land to their children?

    A) Increase in agricultural productivity

    B) Decrease in agricultural productivity

    C) Rise in land value

    D) Expansion of agricultural land

86. According to Bernier, what was lacking in Indian society?

    A) Middle class

    B) Upper class

    C) Lower class

    D) Working class

87. Why does Bernier warn that Europe will be devastated if European rulers follow the Mughals?

    A) Due to lack of agriculture

    B) Due to polluted air

    C) Due to lack of private land ownership

    D) Due to lack of industry

88. How did Montesquieu use Bernier's account?

    A) To develop the concept of democracy

    B) To develop the concept of communism

    C) To develop the concept of absolutism

    D) To develop the concept of capitalism

89. What theory did Marx develop based on Montesquieu's concept of absolutism?

    A) Theory of democracy

    B) Theory of communism

    C) Theory of absolutism

    D) Theory of capitalism

90. How does Bernier describe craftsmen in India?

    A) Hardworking

    B) Lazy

    C) Skilled

    D) Innovative

91. Why did craftsmen in India lack motivation to improve their products?

    A) Lack of skills

    B) Lack of resources

    C) Lack of profits

    D) Lack of demand

92. According to Bernier, who took over the profits from craftsmen?

    A) The state

    B) The craftsmen themselves

    C) The customers

    D) The middlemen

93. What does Bernier mention about the availability of precious metals in India?

    A) They were scarce

    B) They were imported from all over the world

    C) They were used sparingly

    D) They were used for industrial purposes

94. What percentage of the Indian population lived in cities in the seventeenth century, according to Bernier?

    A) 5%

    B) 10%

    C) 15%

    D) 20%

95. What were Indian cities called by Bernier?

    A) Sivir Nagar

    B) Urban centers

    C) Metropolitan cities

    D) City-states

96. How were Indian cities dependent, according to Bernier?

    A) On agriculture

    B) On trade

    C) On the state government

    D) On foreign aid

97. How were slaves used during the medieval period in India?

    A) For agricultural labor

    B) For industrial work

    C) For domestic labor

    D) For military service

98. What was the main use of slaves in the Sultan's palace?

    A) Music

    B) Surveillance

    C) Agriculture

    D) Transportation

99. What was Sati?

    A) A religious festival

    B) A form of self-sacrifice by a widow

    C) A form of meditation

    D) A form of dance

100. In the practice of Sati, what did a widow do?

    A) Remarry

    B) Enter her husband's funeral pyre

    C) Perform rituals

    D) Join a monastery

101. How did François Bernier describe the practice of Sati?

    A) As a joyful choice by some women

    B) As a forced act for some women

    C) As a practice only in certain regions

    D) As a practice endorsed by the state

102. What was the primary reason for a woman to practice Sati?

    A) Religious duty

    B) Social pressure

    C) Economic gain

    D) Family tradition

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